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Sila Daftarkan Diri Anda Disini Sebagai Kenangan dan Rujukan

My Redeemer Lives By Nicole Mullen

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Just want to share the photo that i taken as a souvenior to our Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KTTHA) during His visit to my Department on 23rd April 2009.

From Left; My Ketua Pengarah Tn.Hj Mohd Akhir Md. Jiwa, KSU Dato' Dr. Halim Man, Menteri KTTHA YB Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui, Tim. Menteri KTTHA YB. Noriah Kasnon dan yg kicik n separuh ja tu... 'Datin' Siti Barlianton Ahmand Baghdad (jiran sblh di ofice..ekekek)

Saturday, May 9, 2009


What is the essence of sin? How does the Bible define it? First John 3:4 (NIV) states: "Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness." The New Living Translation reads "Sin opposes the law," while the traditional KJV rendering defines sin as "transgression of the law." But it is not just any law that humanity has broken-it is God's law. Humans have rebelled against their Maker, pretending that they themselves are the measure of all things rather than in humble trust submitting to the wisdom and love of God.

Why did God punish Adam and Eve for what seemed to be an insignificant matter? It may have seemed unimportant, but there was a crucial principle involved. "There was nothing poisonous in the fruit itself, and the sin was not merely in yielding to appetite. It was distrust of God's goodness, disbelief of His word, and rejection of His authority, that made our first parents transgressors, and that brought into the world a knowledge of evil. It was this that opened the door to every species of falsehood and error."—Ellen G. White, Education, p. 25.

God has done for us all that infinite love could. In return He asks of us love and obedience. In a time in which the world is plagued by rampant lawlessness and a relativistic philosophy—which claims that good and evil depend simply on cultural circumstances and communal and personal preferences—there must and will be a people who will staunchly defend God's standard of holiness, the Ten Commandments.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This What We Call a HERO...