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My Redeemer Lives By Nicole Mullen

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How expensive is our "SHIT"

Yesterday i was assingned to take picture of Pantai Sewerage Treatment Plant (STP) becouse the picture that taken before is not achived the quality needed to print 16"x18" size. This picture will be given as a souvenir to our new appointed Ministry. We choose this picture as it's show our nature of works, to built sewerage treatment plant for public confort and health. For some of you who didn't know what is STP, it's a plant that treated the water discharged from you house (mainly at town) including water from the toilet, bath room and kitchen. This sewerage must be treated before discharged into the river or sea so that it contain no harmfull to environment and people.

The picture above is one of the few new latest technology build in our country and we are among the leader in this industry in SEA after Singapore. And how much is the cost?... before you can make a guess let me tell you that people who recieved this accomadation only pay rm8 for a month and you know that it's the cheepest in the world? Maybe it's not suprise you becouse you didn't know the cost of the whole process, right? But i bet you'll be suprise once you know. This plant is connected with a sewer tunel with the size that can fit 4 or 6 rapid bus and it undernet KL City. So most of KL folks 'dirt' (shit) are flowing in this tunnel to the STP. So how much is the cost? If I tell you it is about half a billon RM, can you believe it? well believe it.. and we had another plant like this in Penang that cost almost RM1B. We are not talking about the operational cost that reach hundreds thousand per month. What amaze me the most is... there are so many people who refused to pay the rm8 per month tarif and even worst they requested for more reduction.....

So guys, remember every time you seat and relieve you self at the toilet bowl, you 'dirt' will undergo a very expensive journey just to make sure you have a healthly environment. And please..PAY YOU BILL... to make sure this process will continue...


IsOn said...

Hehe... For you guys out there, your shit is as expensive as the foods and drinks you swallow everyday. If a normal meal per day cost you RM10, and you only shit once in two days, in simple calculation, your shit value is RM20 per shit.

What if you pass motion only once a week? It will cost you RM70 per shit. A month it costs you RM310. But you only pay RM8 per month to 'clean' your shit. What the shit!

IsOn said...

It took more than half a million to build a well functioning STP for a hospital area like Hospital Kota Marudu. What more for a town/city area. The more people the more the cost.

Note: Only sick people who don't shit. So, don't play play with your shit ar. Hehe...

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