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Sila Daftarkan Diri Anda Disini Sebagai Kenangan dan Rujukan

My Redeemer Lives By Nicole Mullen

Monday, December 15, 2008

Melissa and Jonathan Otto

I was attainded vesper at PJ Eng SDA Church last friday and was so blessed with special song and talk from Melissa and Jonathan Otto from Australia. They are on their tour to Malaysia, Vietnam dan Singapore. The massage that they brought to the world is LOVE and it's so wonderfull to hear from someone that come from other continent. Especially the songs. They had made musical concert after AY program at 3pm to 5pm. What amazed me the most is their talent in music, not only they good in playing and singing but also most of the songs that they sang that day is their own songs. Melody and Lyric is all origanal by them. It's not only uniqe but very good and so good to my ears. And the lyric is so meaningfull that really come from their heart. I manage to get 3cds of their songs and 1 dvd that show their journey experiance... (and got their picture together and signature on thier cds.... )
So...here you guys who want to know and hear their songs..just click on this link... http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jono+otto&search_type=
you also can get to know them at www.myspace.com/melissaotto..
If you interested to get thir cds or dvd.. you may contact them or me...
I will posted our picture after my friend email me the photo....

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