Ingredients for the Sweet & Sour Souse:
3 tablespoon of plum souse,
6 tablespoon of chili souse,
1 tabblespoon of chicken stock,
1 tablespoon of red chili paste,
3 tommatos (slice quartly),
2 tablespoons lime juice ,
1 cucumber (slice to needed size),
1 onion (slice quartly),
3 shallots (bawang kecil) choped,
2 table spoon of oil,
100ml water,
Ingredients for the frieds fish meat;
800g of slice fish meat,
4 white eggs,
fries flour (tepung kfc).
Fried Fish
First deep fried the fish meat (slice to needed size). To fried it you must pour the white eggs into the fish meat and slowly mixed it using hand. Than put the fish meat slice by slice (one by one) into the fries flour till it fully covered by the flower. Than you can start fried. After finished fried the fish meat than you can prepared the souse.
Heated the oil to fried the choped shallots. Than put in the plum & chili souce, chicken stock, slice onion and blended red chili. Mix it for 2 to 4 minutes. Than pour in the water and put in the slice tommatos and cucumber. Than put about half tablespoon of salt (secukup rasa), one tablespoon of suggar and 2 tablespoon of lime juice. Mix it slowly and let it cook for 10 more minutes.
Now you can pour the Sweet & Sour Souse to the fried fish and mix it slowly. Than the last action will be... apa lagi makan la...arghhh..sadap..(hahaha..puji diri sendiri)
Ohh.. forgot to tell what happen to the fish head..well my brother (pic) is the man for curry's foods so he masak kari kepala ikan (Fish Head Curry) la... another menu that I cook is Tom Yam Soup .... arghh tell you we all smiling kekenyangan that nite..
dengan bangganya.. saya ingin memgumumkan pemenang bagi ikan terbesar yg dipancing ialahhh....
aiyaaa... pemancing dia org lain pula tu ikan yg c put pegang... hehe. sadap la wo tu kalau dipanggang...
yang penting.. hidup CHELSEAAA!!!!
wakakaka.. masak steam yg sadap tu mick... ba.. ngam la tu ko begeng ma c put.. jd bila mo dtg rumah ni..
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