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My Redeemer Lives By Nicole Mullen

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is That Me?

First of all I would like to say my gratitude to my first cousin Emily for sharing this picture to me and now I can share to all of you. Actually at first I'm not sure whether the boy inside the picture was me (too cute to be me ba...hahaha..adess perasan oh kan....) but.. since my cousin convinced me that it was us (the cute little girl) than I just have to believe it.
During that time to being framed on picture (kena ambil gambar ba) is a great feeling and exicted but it's also one of the nervous moment in my life. Just look at the picture, I just don't know what 'gaya' should I pose (org kg gia) and compare to my cousin (KK girl kunun..) who's so relax and 'begaya' I'm more look like wanted to ran away. Anyway this picture really brought my memory back during my child hood. Sadly I don't remember much of the good times....All that came to my memory is the hardship living as a farmer sons. With no tv, radio and electricity life is so simple. At the age of 5 i have to follow my parents to 'botung' not really to help them working but becouse no body at home to take care of me... than at the age of 6 or 7 helping my parents at work is a must if not...adess...pa lagi kana 'pasut la'... still remember my parents used to be very stirct...(asik kana pasut ja...sampi lari dari rumah....hahahha..adess lucu pula bila di ingat2 skrg...). During my childhood I used to help my parents in planting paddy until it's harvest time. Beside that we have 'kebun koko, kelapa, kopi, ect as a side job. I do had much involve in taking care of our 4 buffolos (or more), pigs (adess... cute betul tu wogs punya baby ohh....), 'ayam daging & telur' (kicil-kicilan ja...) and a small shop (kadai kg...ja).
I would say our life is not that poor during that time. It's maybe hard living but not poor. All thanks to our hard working 'Bapa and Mama'. Because of your hard ship and never give up hope, we all you sons and doughters have this wonderfull life ahead. So.. Thank You so much for every sweats, tears dan bloods that drops just for the shake of giving us a comfortable life. We just cannot redo what ever 'bapa and mama' do for us...so...the only thing that we can do is to pray for you health, happiness and prosperous life ahead....THANK YOU....
p/s... baru ingat...yg paling siok masa kicik2 ialah mandi sungai, main polis pencuri dan panjat pokok jambu di sekolah....selain ada musim2 main getah gelang, buah getah, 'tubau', tapak dll... (mengeleng-geleng ja kepala ni bila ingat....hahahhaahha)

1 comment:

Little Mike (LM) said...

adess.. ni muzik blog ko.. kasi guyang2 kapala sya.. hehe.

Kenangan manis ada yang sempat kita kenang, ada yang diingatkan oleh org lain.. ada yg tiba-tiba kita diberitahu org lain menyimpan sesuatu yang berharga berkaitan tentang kita.. lebih nostalgik bila ia bahagian daripada kehidupan yang kita 'belum kenal diri kita'... budak2 lg kannn...

anyway.. cute oh ko.. patut la bila basar.. hensem2 org dia.. hehe

This What We Call a HERO...