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My Redeemer Lives By Nicole Mullen

Friday, October 24, 2008

Those "Instant" Successes

Many times an unknown person does something spectacular and suddenly becomes a hero, a public figure, an overnight succes, the object of much envy. Let's explore this "overnight success" syndrome, which almost always occurs over time.

Several years ago Gary Spiess from White Lake, Minnesota, did an incredible thing. He sailed his ten-foot boat across the Atlantic Ocean in just fifty-four days. Most of us can only imagine what he endured to complete his fifty-four-day ordeal, but suddently, the whole world knew who he was.

What is the real story" Did he just have a good idea, implement it, and "luck" into celebrity status? Gary worked, planned, sacrificed, and studied for three years, to build his boat. He committed not only his money but also 100 percent of his spare time for three solid years. He had to chart his course and plan every detail, including maximum use of his space and the proper food, clothing, and water to carry.

Once the trip began, so did the danger. The most dangerous and difficult part was fighting the violent seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The seas often combined with a driving, bitterly cold rain, which chilled him to the bone. By the time he reached England, he was so brutally battered by the cruel sea that his entire body was black and blue. Yes, he had his day in the sun, but it's safe to say that he sacrificed and worked in order to receive his rewards.

Most of us are not interested in doing anything of that nature, but it's safe to say that if we're going to accomplish anything of significance, and particularly if we're going to maintan that significance, long hours of planning and even more hours of hard work are required. It's also safe to say it's worth it becouse the effort is temporary, but the satisfaction and rewards can be long-lasting.

A man loaned his best friend five thousand dollars for plastic surgery. Unfortunately, he will never recover it becouse now he can't recognize him.

by Zig Ziglar

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This What We Call a HERO...